King Ahab laughed. “This man is crazy! He says ‘his’ God won’t let it rain for three years!” Everyone laughed and ignored God’s warning.

Suddenly, a GIANT hand appeared in the air and started writing on the wall! Everyone heard the finger scratching letters into the soft plaster. The king’s guests were so afraid they screamed and ran from the palace and even the king was TERRIFIED! “Bring me someone who can tell me what that writing says!” screamed the king. But no one could understand the words written on the wall.

As Moses led his sheep high up a mountain, he saw a strange glowing light. Bright flames crackled in the bush…but the bush didn’t burn away! Suddenly, a deep voice called out his name. “MOSES.”

God wanted Jonah to be sorry for not obeying Him and sent a GREAT BIG FISH to swallow Jonah! For three days and nights, Jonah was inside the stinky, smelly belly of the great big fish. Jonah was sorry he didn’t obey God and asked God to forgive him. On the third day, God told the big fish, “SPIT HIM OUT!” Jonah flew out of the fish’s mouth and landed on the beach!