The Story of the Peacock Paw


Once there was an amazing lady who lived on a farm. She loved her many animals, but especially her beautiful peacocks. She fancied their beautiful feathers shimmering in the sunlight and marveled as feathers of green, turquoise, orange and blue fanned the sky. This beautiful sight reminded her of the beauty of God’s wonderful world. This beautiful woman who loved her peacocks—was my precious sister, Mia. From the time God impressed upon my heart the concept of Tender Tike’s Amazing Bible Journey, Mia was by my side. She encouraged me to make the project that began as a gift of love for my family into a book that could be shared with everyone. Her wonderful, unique sense of humor brought immense fun and whimsy to Tender Tike’s world. She always brought her love for God and her deep faith into our late-night conversations—which usually ended in hearty laughs regarding ideas and thoughts for ongoing illustrations for this book.

My sister was called home to heaven before Tender Tike’s Amazing Bible Journey was finished. In honesty, I wasn’t sure I  could complete this book without her input, honesty and encouragement. But from my first sketch of this little, fuzzy bear and through all the years since, Mia was a major part of this labor of love. Finishing this book was my way of honoring her life, and in my own way, holding her close as our dream of sharing Tender Tike turned to reality.

I knew Mia’s love for peacocks should be woven into little Tender Tike’s world, so thus, the Peacock Paw. I believe every time someone reads Tender Tike’s Amazing Bible Journey or sees the Peacock Paw, Mia’s beautiful, loving legacy lives on.